020 3633 4439
Tutoring excellence and unwavering support from world class tutors
"The best Tutors in the World"
Welcome to the Royal Tutors VIP.
Membership is purely by invitation only and cannot be purchased. All purchasers of our VIP package will be eligible for invitation.
All Royal Tutor VIP Members are entitled to special benefits, including:
Heavily Reduced Tuition Rates - no minimum bookings;
Flexibility - No requirement to block purchase tuition;
Support - 24/7 support on any matter from the founder of Royal Tutors, Mr Luke Jones, with his personal email, number and whatsapp;
Preferential Bookings - Book Tuition directly with preferential access to our tutor diaries;
Exclusive Access - Lincoln's Inn Private Member dining events, court access/visits etc;
Networking - Make friends and study partners with other VIP Members, attend exclusive social and networking events, and stay connected!
WANT VIP? Email us with the details of a current VIP student and it's yours!